Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Refugee Camp in Santiago

Tuesday, July 14 we went to Pana and took a boat to Santiago. Then by taxi we went to visit where the mudslide took place in 2005. Aparently there was a hurricane that drop an enormous amount of rain on the mountain which caused a mudslide. It was terrible as it wiped out a lot of the village. I went by the school and all the windows were broken out, I think they said there were 157 students in the school at the time of the slide and none of them escaped. A lot of people were buried and never recovered, it´s like you´re walking on a cemetery.

This picture is from the refugee camp that is set up to house the victims of the mudslide. It´s amazing they are still living like this 4 years after the slide. The children are precious and are starved for affection. The houses are all make shift out of tin or insulated wall board. No water, no electric!

Internet is expensive and wish I could upload more pictures. I will try to get some uploaded. Check back later for more updates!
